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Your Feedback is Valuable

Have a comment or suggestion you want to share about the WIC Works Resource System or WIC Breastfeeding Support websites, but don’t have the time to send an email through the Contact Us form? No Problem. We’ve made sharing your feedback easier than ever. Just click the little blue Feedback button at the bottom of the homepage for either site. 


Your feedback helps us improve the features and functions of the websites to ensure you find what you need easily and quickly, so that you get the most out of WIC Works and WIC Breastfeeding Support.

All comments are anonymous, and not all fields are required (only those with an asterisk*).


You can leave feedback on anything related to the site, whether it be on a featured series like What Do I Do With…, WIC Meals of the Month, or Eye on Nutrition, or a go-to reference like the WIC Nutrition Services Standards or WIC Infant Nutrition and Feeding Guide; a site function like searching for and filtering resources, or a service like publication ordering. 

You can also let us know about participant feedback on education materials, recipes, or other shareable content, or how you use content.


Stay in the know

Our monthly WIC Picks Newsletter is a great way to stay up to date on new and updated resources on the WIC Works and WIC Breastfeeding Support websites as well as WIC-relevant grant opportunities, webinars, and other announcements to help WIC staff at all levels in their efforts to administer the Program. You can check out past issues and subscribe on our newsletter page. 

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