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WIC Publications Order Form


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WIC State and local agencies and WIC clinics in the United States and its territories can order free publications from the USDA Food and Nutrition Service (no international orders). Limited quantities are available until supply exhausted. Publications are mailed by the US Postal Service.

*Note: PUBLICATION HANDOUT in green above a title indicates that there is a dedicated page for this resource on the website to download the publication and learn more about it. APP in green above a title indicates that there is an app associated with a resource, for which there is dedicated page on the website. To locate a page quickly, type the title or keyword in the search box above.

A Magical Bond of Love - poster (18x24) (Spanish)

Order #9
A Magical Bond of Love Poster (18x24) (Spanish)

Breastfeeding Basics for Dads (Spanish)

Order #FNS-736-S
(Limit of 50)
Help dads learn the basics of breastfeeding, including why it’s important and how to support mom.

Breastfeeding Basics for Dads Spanish

Breastfeeding Basics for Grandmas (Spanish)

Order #FNS-738-S
(Limit of 50)
Share this with grandmas so they can help support mom in her breastfeeding journey.
Breastfeeding Basics for Grandmas in Spanish

Breastfeeding Basics for Moms (Spanish)

Order #FNS-737-S
(Limit of 50)
Help moms learn the breastfeeding basics, such as the benefits, how often to breastfeed, how to know if baby is getting enough, and more.
Breastfeeding Basics for Moms Spanish

Revised How WIC Helps: Eating for You & Your Baby (Spanish)

Order #PA 1198s
(Limit of 100)
How WIC Helps Brochure (Spanish)

Learn, Start, Overcome, and Thrive: Your Breastfeeding Journey (Spanish)

Help moms on their breastfeeding journey by sharing these tips as they learn to breastfeed, start breastfeeding, overcome common challenges, and thrive with breastfeeding.

Currently out of stock.

Next Steps to Health for You and Your Family (Spanish)

Order #FNS 477s
(Limit of 50)
Next Steps to Health for You and Your Family (Spanish)

Nutrient Infographics Spanish Iodine

Order #Nutrient Infographics Spanish Iodine FNS 998-1003
(Limit of 50)
Iodine Nutrient Infographic (Spanish)
Spanish Iodine

Nutrient Infographics Spanish Choline

Order #Nutrient Infographics Spanish Choline FNS 998-1003
(Limit of 50)
Choline Nutrient Infographic (Spanish)
Spanish Choline