Standard 3. Staff Qualifications, Roles, and Responsibilities: The State and local agency ensure that staff who provide nutrition services meet standard qualifications as well as any applicable State licensure and/or certification requirements, have clearly defined roles and responsibilities and successfully perform their respective roles and responsibilities.
Defining staff qualifications, roles and responsibilities help to ensure that participants receive nutrition services, including breastfeeding promotion, education, and support, from staff who have the appropriate education, skills and/or experience for the position they hold and operate within their scope of practice. This facilitates providing participants with quality nutrition services and administering an efficient and effective Program.
Standard 4. Staffing Patterns, Recruitment, and Retention The State and local agency implement staffing patterns that align with case/workload and meet participant needs and effectively recruit and retain high-quality staff.
Staff and staffing patterns have a significant impact on service delivery. Appropriate staffing patterns facilitate efficiently and effectively meeting case/workload and participant needs by ensuring that the most qualified and appropriate staff fulfill roles and responsibilities and provide nutrition services to participants. Additionally, employing successful strategies for recruiting and retaining qualified staff helps to support the delivery of quality nutrition services and prevents/minimizes disruptions in providing these services.
Standard 5. Staff Training The State and local agency ensure that staff receives sufficient orientation, competency-based training and, as appropriate, continuing education activities (quarterly recommended) as well as periodic performance evaluations.
Providing orientation and initial and continual training helps staff to function effectively and efficiently in their roles and stay up to date with current information so that they provide accurate and relevant information, education and referrals to participants. Conducting periodic performance evaluations facilitates identifying staff members’ needs for additional training and/or areas for reinforcement.