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Social Media and Digital Resources


Social Media resources are available to help WIC agencies and partners communicate the services provided by the program, promote initiatives throughout the year, and to engage with participants using technologies, and platforms they're often engaged with. Help promote WIC by sharing these featured messages, images, and hashtags on your personal or organization's social media accounts.


How to Use the Social Media Resources

Social media posts allow you to easily distribute WIC messages and materials to your audience. Use your organization’s social media accounts such as Facebook, Instagram, etc. to share important information about specific campaigns and outreach initiatives. On the linked pages, you will find graphics and tailored posts that you can use to share and promote on your social media channels.

Here are a few quick tips to help you make the most of your social media posts:

  • Abide by State and Local WIC agency policies and procedures regarding social media use. When in doubt, contact your WIC office.

  • Be sure to keep your posts brief. People are more likely to read short posts than lengthy ones.

  • Connect with partners. Ask them to share the posts or promote the content.

  • Use the hashtag(s) on to label your message which allows people to group and sort posts with that hashtag.

  • Engage with our social media handles through likes, mentions, and shares.

  • Download images that are sized appropriately for each platform.


Ways to Post and Share Social Media Content

Use the messages, hashtags, and images below to help promote WIC services through your social media accounts.

  1. Choose messages and images from the lists below. 
  2. To download any individual picture: 
    1. Click on the image, and a new page will open. 
    2. Right click on the image and select "Save image as...". 
  3. When you are ready to post to your social media accounts, use the message(s) and images(s) you've chosen.

Help promote WIC by sharing these featured messages, images, and hashtags on your personal or organization's social media accounts.


WIC Breastfeeding Support Social Media Resources

Three Tips for Using Facebook and Instagram Stories (USA.gov)

Social Media Role and Its Impact on Public Health: A Narrative Review (National Library of Medicine)