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Children Mental Health

Mental Health Resources for Children

Children's Mental Health

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
The CDC provides information on symptoms, who is affected, the impact of mental disorders on children, and the different types of disorders (such as anxiety, depression, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and more) and their treatments as well as a variety of resources. This site is also available in Spanish.

Understanding Childhood Trauma

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
Understanding Childhood Trauma is part of SAMHSA’s National Child Traumatic Stress Initiative and includes learning materials and resources (some in Spanish) for parents to better understand trauma.

Child and Adolescent Mental Health

National Institute of Mental Health
Early treatment can help prevent more severe, lasting problems as a child grows up. The National Institute of Mental Health provides warning signs of troubling behavior and might indicate the need help for younger and older children should the behavior last for weeks or months and interfere with the child’s daily life at home and at school, or with friends.

Other Resources

Did you know that more than half of US families have been affected by some kind of disaster, or that one in four children experience a traumatic event before adulthood? Stress and trauma can affect people of all ages, including children. Stress in Childhood (available in Spanish) and Understanding Childhood Trauma review common stressors for children, physical and emotional signs of unresolved stress, and tips for how parents can help, including when parents should talk to their child's healthcare provider. 


The 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline provides 24/7 free and confidential support via phone or text for people in distress. There is also a web chat  available 24/7.