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Pumping Iron

Recipes to cook, eat and repeat


WIC Meals of the Month (MOM) is an opportunity for the WIC community to share recipes of their own, or from their favorite resources. This WIC MOM features recipes using foods that are good sources of iron and vitamin C - critical nutrients for growth and development, a healthy immune system, and potentially protecting against lead exposure (check out Eye on Nutrition: Iron and Vitamin C).

In addition to the recipes below - courtesy of Laren from the Mountain Plains Regional Office and Emily from Maryland WIC (thanks Laren and Emily!) - more recipes that pack a punch of iron include Eggs Over Kale and Sweet Potato Grits, Asian Mango Chicken Wraps, and more (see the buttons to the right!).

Looking for a vitamin C charge but want something a bit more than a single piece of fruit? How about this versatile Creamy Fruit Salad.

Have a recipe to share? Contact us.

West African Peanut Soup

Tofu Scramble

Sesame Noodles and Broccoli and Chicken

Cowboy Caviar

Packed with iron, vitamin C and fiber, this recipe is a great way to get protein and is perfect for little helpers to get involved.

Super Easy Pasta Salad

Fresh and simple, this pasta salad keeps the veggies raw, retaining their vitamin C content, which helps to absorb the iron from the garbanzo beans and whole wheat pasta. Want an added iron and protein boost? Add canned fish, cooked tofu, or cooked chicken. Looking to rev up the vitamin C? Include some fruit as an appetizer or dessert.

Roasted Garlic Hummus and Dippers

Hummus is super easy to make, provides a dose of iron, folate, fiber, and protein, and the ingredients consist mainly of WIC foods! Making your own whole wheat tortilla chips is a fun and delicious way to add more iron to this recipe, and pairing it with raw red bell peppers adds vitamin C to help boost the iron power of this savory mini-meal.

Crispy Roasted Chickpeas

Enjoyed alone or added to your favorite dish, chickpeas are packed with protein, fiber, folate and iron, among other nutrients. Get kids involved with this easy recipe! Pair this satisfyingly crispy snack with a vitamin C-rich fruit to help you absorb iron!

Tropical Oat Smoothie

The oats and spinach in this smoothie give it a nice boost of iron, while the fruits (and the spinach!) make it a good way to get vitamin C.

Avocado Deviled Eggs

Using avocado in place of mayonnaise makes for a healthier version of the traditional deviled eggs, and can be fun for the kids to help prepare, especially the mashing!