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WIC Meals of the Month

Getting the Most out of the WIC Food Packages


The WIC food package is among the top reasons for continued participation in WIC. Providing participants with recipes is a great way to help them get the most out of their food packages, inspire them to try new foods, and encourage lifelong healthy eating.

Parents and caregivers can also foster healthy dietary habits and increase kid's vegetable consumption by involving them in meal planning and recipe selection (like giving them a choice between which vegetables are included in a meal) as well as shopping and/or food preparation. (It can also help with picky eaters!) Check out the Kitchen Helper Activities handout for ways to get preschoolers to help in the kitchen.

WIC Meals of the Month (MOM) is an opportunity for the WIC community to share recipes of their own, or from their favorite resources. We've put together a nutrient-themed collection to help address specific nutrient needs, highlight the importance of particular nutrients to the WIC population (also see the Eye on Nutrition series), and assist participants in using the foods in their food packages.

We'd love to hear from you! Share a recipe with us to share with your WIC colleagues.