Women Strong!
What better way to celebrate moms in May than to help them make their health a priority? Take advantage of National Women’s Health Week (NWHW) – May 12-18, 2024 – to serve as a reminder to prioritize their physical and mental health, and overall well-being.
CDC offers suggestions and resources to talk with health providers, get active, enjoy a healthy and balanced diet, prioritize mental health, and practice healthy behaviors.
Find other resources under these topics:
Physical Activity
Physical Activity Resources from Move Your Way (available in Spanish), including those for during and after pregnancy, activity planners, and other materials.
Find these and other resources, including an opportunity to become an influencer, on our Physical Fitness and Sports Month page.
Healthy Eating
Tips for Pregnant Moms and Tips for Breastfeeding Moms (both available in English and Spanish). These can be ordered via the WIC Publications Order Form.
MyPlate – consumer resources such as quizzes, apps, other digital tools, and recipes
What Do I Do With – a series featuring a collection of recipes, tips and ideas to help participants prepare WIC eligible foods
Folic Acid Resources – education materials and information resources (be sure to check out the Eye on Nutrition series noted below that features this nutrient)
WIC Meals of the Month – a nutrient-themed recipe collection to help address specific nutrient needs, highlight the importance of specific nutrients to the WIC population, and assist participants in using the foods in their food packages
Eye on Nutrition – a collection of informational and educational resources in each edition that focus on nutrients important for the WIC population
Nutrition While Breastfeeding – a resource for moms found on the WIC Breastfeeding Support website
Mental Health
Resources for Families Coping with Mental and Substance Use Disorders
Other mental health and depression resources featured on WIC Works
Two out of every three caregivers in the U.S. are women. As caregivers, they are at greater risk for poor physical and mental health, including depression and anxiety. At CDC's Women, Caregiving and COVID-19 (also available in Spanish) find tips to help women manage caring for themselves and others.
Individuals in need of assistance (emergent or otherwise) can use the SAMHSA Behavioral Health Treatment Services Locator and MentalHealth.gov (including suicide prevention and a veterans’ crisis line) resources.
Healthy Behaviors
General Food Safety and Food Safety for Children and Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women
Give Your Baby a Healthy Start brochure (also available in Spanish)
More Women's Health Resources
CDC’s Women’s Health pages offer resources to promote women's health, such as:
Podcasts on topics such as Gestational Diabetes (also available in Spanish), Oral Health and Women, and more
A Vaccinating Pregnant Women page with infographics, a video and a downloadable fact sheet (scroll down and find the link on the left-hand side)
Health Matters for Women, a free monthly e-newsletter
A list of the CDC’s Women’s Health Programs, resources, and information about the Hear Her Campaign
From the Office on Women's Health, find an extensive list of free, downloadable resources covering topics such as Pregnancy, Reproductive Health or Breastfeeding. Others include:
…and more! Browse by Health Topic or Resource Type
American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) women can register for the Women’s Health LISTSERV, a free email newsletter to help communicate women’s health issues.
Explore the many topics and resources available on the WIC Works Resource System and WIC Breastfeeding Support sites which WIC staff can use to promote good health for pregnant, breastfeeding and postpartum participants.
Updated: March 2024