Every April, the Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of Minority Health (OMH) observes National Minority Health Month (NMHM) to highlight the importance of improving the health of racial and ethnic minorities and reducing health disparities.
NMHM focuses on improving health outcomes for racial and ethnic minority and AI/AN (American Indian and Alaska Native) communities by providing them with culturally and linguistically competent healthcare services, information, and resources.
According to the National Center for Educational Statistics, it is estimated only 14 percent of the U.S. population has proficient health literacy, and according to the 2019 census, nearly 20 percent of people in the U.S. speak a language other than English at home.
As part of WIC's role as an adjunct to good health care, WIC staff can share up-to-date information with WIC participants. The resources listed below may help WIC agencies promote this year’s theme and advance NMHM’s mission.
The NMHM website offers:
Shareable graphics and social media posts to help share and promote this year’s theme, and
A link to the Healthy People 2030 website where WIC staff can watch a short video entitled “5 Things to Know About Health Literacy.”
Minority Health Related Materials from OMH
In addition to a Health Disparities Report that includes information about the state-specific initiatives developed to address health disparities along with State Minority Health Contact information, user can find:
A Knowledge Center where you can search the nation’s largest collection of resources (including consumer health materials in more than 40 languages) related to the health status of racial and ethnic minority populations, and
Free programs designed to help you provide culturally and linguistically appropriate services.
Other Resources
CDC's Minority Health and Health Equity page offers resources and links focusing on LGBT health and wellness, a Conversations in Equity blog devoted to increasing awareness of health inequities, and more, including:
Access to a quarterly electronic newsletter entitled Health Equity Matters and
Health Disparities and Strategies Reports, highlighting effective public health programs that have reduced disparities.
HHS offers Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services in Maternal Health Care (CLAS) – free maternal health care cultural competency e-learning program that targets understanding, respecting, and responding to experiences, values, and beliefs.
Updated: March 2023