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National Influenza Vaccination Week

A Flu Vaccine Can Take Flu from Wild to Mild

As winter approaches, it is important to be aware of flu season. Flu viruses typically spread in fall and winter, with activity peaking between December and February. National Influenza Vaccination Week - December 4-8, 2023 - is a great opportunity to encourage all WIC participants 6 months and older, and WIC staff, to get their flu vaccine (also available in Spanish).

The flu can cause mild to severe illness but can also cause complications, some of which can be life-threatening. Getting the flu vaccine is the most important step to protect against the flu, especially for:

DYK? - Women with influenza are more than twice as likely to be hospitalized if they are pregnant.


Resources to inform participants on flu and the flu vaccine include:

In addition to flu resources on WIC Works, you can find other immunization-related resources, such as: 


In addition to CDC infographics and videos, those with social media can:

  • Share information relevant to your participants with sample messages and graphics for the flu and pregnant women and how the flu vaccine protects children. 
  • Use the CDC Digital Media Toolkit: 2024 Flu Season containing social media images and messages, web buttons and badges, videos, and print-ready materials like posters and flyers (some available in Spanish or multiple languages).


Help your participants find flu vaccines (also available in Spanish) in their area, and share Flu & Pregnancy and Flu & Breastfeeding resources that cover medication safety for these populations. All participants should be encouraged to talk to their healthcare provider about medications they are taking or want to take.

Watch the video below to find answers to the Top Eight Questions About the Flu Vaccine.


Updated: October 2024

Developed by
Indian Health Service
HHS, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
HHS, Food and Drug Administration