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  4. Tips for Breastfeeding Moms

Tips for Breastfeeding Moms

This participant handout, available in English and Spanish, reviews healthy food choices and provides a daily food checklist for women who are breastfeeding as well as those who are breastfeeding and giving some formula to their infants. It can be downloaded at the right; WIC agencies can order this publication for free on the publication ordering page.

To further help your WIC moms meet their breastfeeding goals, encourage them to visit the mobile-friendly WIC Breastfeeding Support site for more information, resources and support. This site, part of USDA's new national breastfeeding campaign, WIC Breastfeeding Support Learn Together. Grow Together, also contains many downloadable resources and materials for WIC State and local agencies to share with participants and external partners. These include:

WIC Staff can learn more about how they can promote and support breastfeeding via the training modules and resources for Grow and Glow in WIC and Peer Counseling Training for WIC Managers.

Developed by
USDA, Food and Nutrition Service
Publication date
December 2016