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  4. Marijuana Safety for Children and Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women

Marijuana Safety for Children and Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women

WIC State-Developed Resource

After the legalization of marijuana in Colorado, a Retail Marijuana Education Team at the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment was formed to create educational materials for the public on the known risks of marijuana use and if a person plans to, or does, use.

Additional information and resources can be found in the Substance Use Prevention: Screening, Education and Referral Resource Guide for Local WIC Agencies as well as on the Substance Use and Medication Safety page.

WIC agencies can also download or order for free the brochure, Give Your Baby a Healthy Start: Tips for Pregnant Women and New Mothers, for use with participants.

Individuals in need of assistance (emergent or otherwise) for substance abuse can be find treatment facilities in the US or US Territories via the SAMHSA Behavioral Health Treatment Services Locator.

Developed by
Colorado WIC
HHS, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration