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USDA/Tufts Telehealth Intervention Strategies for WIC (THIS-WIC)

The USDA, Food and Nutrition Service awarded a cooperative agreement to Tufts University to test and evaluate the use of telehealth innovations in delivery of WIC services. The project’s goal is to develop, test, and evaluate cutting-edge technology to improve delivery of nutrition education to pregnant women and caregivers of young children participating in WIC. 

In February 2021, Tufts University’s request for proposals resulted in the selection of 7 WIC State agencies that will use innovative telehealth solutions to deliver nutrition education and breastfeeding support to WIC participants to overcome barriers to access, particularly those encountered in rural settings. The 7 awardees are:

  • District of Columbia—Advancing Telehealth Technology and Innovation in DC WIC
  • Georgia—Technology and WIC—A Comprehensive Approach to Public Health
  • Michigan—Michigan Telehealth Project Advancing WIC
  • North Carolina—Catching up with the times: Bringing WIC to participants via Telehealth Solutions
  • South Carolina—Telehealth Solutions for SC WIC
  • Vermont—Leveling Up: Delivery of Breastfeeding Education via Interactive Gamification
  • Wisconsin—Online Nutrition Education (ONE) in Wisconsin

Awardees are currently working on finalizing their evaluation plans and will begin implementing their projects this year.

To learn more about the USDA/Tufts Telehealth Intervention Strategies for WIC project, visit the THIS-WIC website.

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