Warn and inform about the dangers of all tobacco products
FDA's The Real Cost campaign aims to educate at-risk teens about the harmful effects of using tobacco products, including vapes (e-cigarettes), cigarettes, and dips. Among the campaign’s resources is a four-video series, "My Vaping Mistake", where teens share cautionary tales about their e-cigarette addiction.
This campaign also features advertisements, a youth-targeted website, an online, interactive digital activity just for teens that provides must-know facts about e-cigarettes, and materials, such as infographics and prevention posters (in English and Spanish), that you can print and download for free - you can filter materials by topic, audience, language, and format.
Check out other related resources, such as E-cigarettes and Pregnancy, Substance Use and Medication Safety, and Give Your Baby a Healthy Start: Tips for Pregnant Women and New Mothers - for use with participants. WIC agencies can download or order these for free on the WIC publication ordering page!