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Military Family Resources

WIC Works for Military Families

Do you work with military service members and their families? Read on for continuing education credit opportunities, learning opportunities, and other resources to help support military families. 

OneOp Resources 

OneOp is a professional development resource for military family service providers. OneOp provides no-cost, professional development events to a variety of public health practitioners and service providers working with the military community. Live and recorded webinars, as well as other virtual learning opportunities, are available on the OneOp website.  

OneOp provides continuing education credit through organizations such as the Commission on Dietetic Registration, National Commission for Health Education Credentialing, and Commission for Case Management Certification. 

Nutrition and Food Security Webinars 

Some of the OneOp webinars WIC staff may be interested are listed below: 

WIC staff can also view upcoming and recorded webinars from the Nutrition and Food Security Focus Series

Military Family Readiness Academy 

The Military Family Readiness Academy (MFRA) is an annual programming series with special learning and engagement opportunities suitable for individuals, groups, and organizations. With a new series added each year, the Academy takes a multidisciplinary approach to a complex issue faced by family service providers in their work. Upcoming and previous MFRA resources are available and may supplement WIC staff’s knowledge about military families. 

Military OneSource Resources 

Military OneSource is a 24/7 connection to information, answers, and support to help military families reach their goals, overcome challenges, and thrive.  

MilLife Learning Courses 

Military OneSource includes several MilLife Learning courses. These self-directed, user-focused courses are intended to educate military and community service providers, including WIC staff, on a variety of military-specific topics.  

To access these courses, visit MilLife Learning Course Catalog and search for the course title. You will need to create a log-in to register for the course. 

Below are some examples of the MilLife Learning courses offered through Military OneSource that WIC staff may find useful. 

  • Resources at the Ready: Support Resources to Help You Live Your Best MilLife 
  • MilFam 101: 1.0 Introduction to the Military Family Readiness Program 
  • MilFam 101: 3.0 Introduction to Military Family Readiness Programs 
  • Money and the Move  
  • Relocation 101: MilitaryINSTALLATIONS  
  • Relocation 101: Plan My Move  
  • Early Intervention Services  
  • Childhood Development Milestones and Identifying Delays  

Military OneSource Consultants 

Military OneSource consultants are available 24/7/365. They are masters-level clinicians with backgrounds in the counseling and social work fields, and they have extensive training in military culture and customer service.  

If you have a question about military life or about a military-related program, then contact a Military OneSource consultant via live chat and or via phone (800-342-9647). 

Additional Military-Focused Resources  

Military OneSource also has resources for those providing services to military families, including WIC staff.  

Here are some examples of the services offered through Military OneSource, which may help WIC staff better understand military-specific benefits, topics, and challenges:  

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