Embeddable Resources for Your Digital Presence
Within the CDC's Public Health Media Library are a number of digital resources WIC agencies can use on their websites, apps, and social media to facilitate providing credible and the most up-to-date information to participants. Resources available include microsites, badges, buttons, widgets, infographics, videos, and more, with all content provided and maintained by the CDC.
How do you do it? It's easy! Within the Media Library, click on a microsite and you'll find two tabs - Preview and Embed Code, along with a link to a document that provides instructions and troubleshooting tips on how to enter the code on your organization's applicable digital platform.
Want to see how it looks? Check out the microsites embedded within the WIC Works Resource System to see microsites in action. The sites offer up-to-date information and links to websites, articles, and videos, as well as downloadable resources such as infographics, handouts, and much more! Topics include: