Help Reduce the Risk of SIDS and Other Sleep-Related Causes of Infant Death
The Healthy Native Babies Project is a comprehensive set of resources designed specifically for American Indian / Alaska Native (AI/AN) communities to help local programs address safe infant sleep, including Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Visit the site to view and download free materials such as:
- A booklet and handout for parents
- Train-the-trainer resources, including
- a six-part video series
- a Project Workbook and Toolkit Disk to assist AI/AN programs in developing community-tailored SIDS risk-reduction education messages and materials
- a Project Facilitator's Packet that offers guides and presentations for 1-day and 2-hour training sessions, printed materials for training activities, and a Resources disk with additional materials and information for other training activities
The training resources are intended to enhance the skills, confidence, and overall knowledge of health care providers, community members, and others in AI/AN communities who interact and work with parents and caregivers.
More general safe sleep information and resources can be found from the Safe to Sleep® campaign.