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Guide for Developing and Enhancing Skills in Public Health and Community Nutrition

Curriculum for Nutrition Professionals

This Guide serves as a resource for those working in public health or community nutrition, and those looking to enhance their level of practice. It is intended to help practitioners, employers, and educators expand their capacity to deliver community-focused nutrition services and to use comprehensive and culturally appropriate public health approaches that support large-scale, healthy changes among individuals, organizations, communities and populations.

The interactive resource offers a self-assessment tool and a knowledge & skills development section that provides work-related and learning activities along with example resources.

In addition to the full version, three different versions are available for each audience:

  • Educators & Preceptors
  • Employers & Administrators
  • Practitioners

Also available is a webinar (1.5 CPEs provided) to help identify how to use and customize the Guide effectively to meet personalized knowledge and skill development goals.

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