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  3. Bulletin Board: Iron for Strong Blood

Bulletin Board: Iron for Strong Blood

Spanish Title: Hierro Para Sangre Fuerte


  • Pictures of food high in iron and Vitamin C
  • bilingual recipes
  • pocket folder


  1. Use clip art or photos to create cardboard cutouts of foods rich in iron and Vitamin C.
  2. Place a pocket for bilingual recipes for eating more iron rich foods.
  3. Text for board: "For good absorption, eat foods that are high in iron and Vitamin C." This can also be written in Spanish.

Use cardboard food models of iron rich foods and Vit. C rich foods. (Can use clipart or pictures as well) Place a pocket for bi-lingual recipes for eating more iron rich foods. Write: "For good absorption, eat foods that are high in iron and vitamin C. (Can write this in Spanish as well)"

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