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  3. Bulletin Board: Eat a Rainbow Every Day

Bulletin Board: Eat a Rainbow Every Day


  • Cotton balls
  • White construction paper
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Stapler
  • Pictures of fruits and vegetables in assorted rainbow colors
  • Cloud background paper or blue background paper
  • Colorful border
  • Letters


Construct clouds first using white construction paper, cotton balls and glue. When you begin to assemble everything on your bulletin board it's easiest to go ahead and attach 1 cloud to begin your rainbow arch. Attach fruits and vegetables to form the rainbow arch (red, yellow, orange, green, blue, purple).

Construct clouds first using white construction paper, cotton balls and glue. When you begin to assemble everything on your bulletin board it's easiest to go ahead and attach 1 cloud to begin your rainbow arch. Attach fruits and vegetables to form the rainbow arch (red, yellow, orange, green, blue, purple)

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