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Breast Pumps

Choosing, Using and Cleaning

Pumping can be a great tool for breastfeeding moms, and there are important safety considerations to keep in mind for those using breast pumps. The FDA regulates these devices and offers consumer information, on their What to Know When Buying or Using a Breast Pump and Breast Pumps pages. You can find general, but important information on breast pumps, including:

  • an overview of breast pumps and the various components and types
  • points to consider when choosing a pump (including buying and renting)
  • information on programs to help pay for a breast pump
  • tips for buying medical devices online
  • tips for using and cleaning a breast pump
  • signs of injury and infection
  • information on what to expect when pumping, and additional resources for breast pumps and breastfeeding

For your WIC moms interested in buying a breast pump or expressing their milk, you can direct them to resources on the WIC Breastfeeding Support site, such as Finding a Breast Pump and Pumping and Hand Expression Basics

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