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Register and Login

Please Review 

  • WIC Works requires two, separate and active accounts: 1) an account on WIC Works, and 2) an account on Login.gov, both must use the same email address.
  • When logged into WIC Works, if is recommended you clear your browser cache, including all browser cookies, and have only one WIC Works session/tab open in your browser
  • Please review all of the information on this page and contact the WIC websites support team if you have any questions or problems with your WIC Works account.
  • Following your successful Login.gov authentication, navigate to the WIC Works Home page. If you are successfully logged in, you will see a "Log out" link in the upper right-hand corner of the page. If not, you are not logged in to WIC Works and need to re-authenticate with Login.gov.


Blocked and Disabled Accounts

  • New accounts will display as blocked until approved which may take one or two business days.
  • Accounts not used for one year are blocked by the website. Prior to the account being blocked, the website will send an email alerting the user. 
  • If your account has been blocked, please contact the WIC websites support team. Once the website team makes the appropriate updates to your account, you will be asked to try logging in again which will require you to register for and log into a Login.gov account.  


New WIC Works Users

Users only need an account on the WIC Works site to gain full access to:

  1. Publications Ordering, 
  2. Nutrition Services Standards, and 
  3. the Breastfeeding Award of Excellence. 

Users do not need an account on WIC Works for WIC Learning Online, but accounts must be set up on the Learning Management Systems.

New WIC Works accounts are deactivated until approved. Approvals take 1-2 business days.

  • Once you register, you will be redirected to Login.gov. 
  • If you do not already have an account on Login.gov (this is a separate account from WIC Works), choose "Create an account".
  • Login.gov and WIC Works accounts must use the same email address.
  • Following your successful Login.gov authentication, navigate to the WIC Works Home page. If you are successfully logged in, you will see a "Log out" link in the upper right-hand corner of the page. If not, you are not logged in to WIC Works and need to re-authenticate with Login.gov.


Existing WIC Works Users

  • If your account has not been used in more than one year, it may be blocked. If your account has been blocked, please contact the WIC websites support team
  • Users who do not have a Login.gov account: create an account in Login.gov with the same email address you have with WIC Works.
  • On Login.gov, select “Customers”, then “Login.gov”.
  • Once you log into Login.gov, you should be taken back to WIC Works.
  • Following your successful Login.gov authentication, navigate to the WIC Works Home page. If you are successfully logged in, you will see a "Log out" link in the upper right-hand corner of the page. If not, you are not logged in to WIC Works and need to re-authenticate with Login.gov.

Authenticate via Login.gov